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MTA Club (Early Childhood 3-6)
MTA Scope and Sequence Year 1 and Year 2 + Blank Planner
MTA Scope and Sequence First Year + Blank Planner
MTA Scope and Sequence Second Year + Blank Planner
All Language Printables
3-6 literacy workbook (215 pages)_compressed
_all _ill _ell _oll _ull pack (22 pages)_compressed
_Descriptive writing template and PeerSelf-editing checklist (3pages)
Action & Thinking Verbs Sorting Mat
Adjective Booklet (6pages)
Adjectives activities(24 pages)
Adverb Booklet (6pages)
Alliteration Poem (17 pages)
Alphabets Posters (29 pages)_compressed
Article Booklet (6pages)
Beginning sounds (h,j,u,v) 7pages
Beginning sounds d,h,i,n (7pages)
Beginning sounds b,f,o,g (8pages)
Beginning sounds c,m,a,t (8pages)
Beginning sounds h,j,u,v (8pages)
Beginning sounds q,w,e,l (8pages)
Beginning sounds s,r,i,p,k (15pages)
Beginning sounds x,y,i,z (7pages)
Blue Series Pack updated
Compound words (27 pages)
Conjunction Booklet (6pages)
Green series pack (45pages)
Homographs (19pages)_compressed
Homophones (17pages)_compressed
Illustrating Idioms Activity
Instructional Writing Pack (17pages)
Interjection Booklet (5pages)
Interjections Activities (8pages)
Labelling the environment with words and phrases (11pages)_compressed
Letters for phonics box (9pages)
Literature Circle Roles
Mini Book Template
Montessori Articles Activities (14pages)
Montessori conjunctions activities (15pages)
Montessori farm (Article + Noun)
Montessori Nouns Bundle (41 pages)_compressed
Montessori Prepositions Activities (22pages)
Montessori-Grammar-sentences-and-symbols (16 pages)
Noun Booklet (6pages)
Nouns Tracing Activities + Mini Book (8pages)
Nouns Tracing Activities + Mini Book (8pages)_compressed
Objects in a Winter Environment (13pages)
Pink Series Pack
Prefixes Activities (37pages)
Preposition Booklet (6pages)
Pronoun Booklet (8 pages)
Pronouns impressionistic charts (11 pages)
Question Mark Pack (10pages)
Quotation Marks Pack (16pages)
r-controlled vowels (30pages)
r-controlled vowels (30pages)_compressed
Rhyming Words Puzzle (13pages)_compressed
Simple, compound, and complex sentences (10pages)_compressed
Singular and plural bundle Grammar center (12 pages)
Squiggle Writing Templates (16 pages)
Suffixes Activities (33pages)
Syllables Activities (21pages)
Syllables Activities (21pages)_compressed
Synonyms and Antonyms activities (27 pages)
Types of adverbs activities (11 pages)
Upper and Lower case alphabet puzzle (16pages)_compressed
Verb Booklet (6pages)
Verbs Action Cards (Act it out) 8pages
Verbs and nouns Sorting Activity (14 pages)
Things That Go Together (15pages)
Colons Pack
Phonograms Pack
Conversation Picture Prompts
Detective Adjective Game (16 pages)
Handwriting Practice Pack (Positive Affirmations and Word families) 38 pages
Letter Formation Posters for movable alphabets (27 pages)
Narrative Writing Pack (79 pages)
Opinion Writing Pack (33 pages)
Order of Adjectives (22 pages)
Punctuation Marks (Comma Pack) 10 pages)
Capitalization Pack
All Math Printables
2D shapes (24 pages)_compressed
3D shapes (22 pages)
_Adding fractions with different denominators task cards
_Arrange Numbers in Descending Order
Addition booklet(7 pages)
Addition matching activities (43 pages)_compressed
Addition Strip Board and Control Charts (11 pages)
Arranging Numbers Ascendingly
Bring me game (Retrieving Quantities) 23 pages_compressed
Capacity Charts and Activities
Card and Counters (14 pages)
Colored Beads Digital printable for different activities (10pages)
Comparing numbers (12 pages)
Comparing Sizes (16 pages)
Concentric and Inscribed Figures (23 pages)_compressed
Congruent or Similar (5pages)
Division booklet (7 pages)
Division games and activities(32 pages)
Doubling and Halving Activities (25pages)
Equal & Unequal Parts
Equivalent Fractions Chart
Even and Odd activities (15 pages)
Fractions activities (22 pages)
Measuring Length Activities (31pages)_compressed
Measuring Mass (Kilograms & Grams) (46pages)_compressed
Montessori Beads Houses (15pages)_compressed
Montessori Checkerboard Digital Printable Template (20pages)_compressed
Montessori Decimal cards printable (14 pages)
Montessori Geometry cabinet matching cards (57pages)
Montessori Infinity Street Template (12pages)
Montessori Large Bead Frame Notation Paper
Montessori Multiplication equations for flat bead frame (3 pages)
Montessori Static Addition Cards with Control Charts (8pages)
Montessori Telling Time Activities (79pages)
Multiplication booklet (7 pages)
Multiplication frog game center activity (9 pages)
Multiplication matching activities (43 pages)
Multiplying Decimals by a Whole Number Task Cards
Number Names Puzzle (15pages)
Positive and Negative Snake Game Beads (7pages)
Regular and irregular polygons
Shapes pack for preschool (37pages)_compressed
Skip counting with the bead bars (37pages)
Stamp game printable (7pages)
Standard, expanded,and word forms of numbers (18pages)
Static and Dynamic Addition (11 pages)
Subtracting by Tens
Subtraction booklet (7 pages)
Subtraction Fall Themed Activities (10pages)
Subtraction Strip Board (10pages)
Subtraction Word Problems
Types of Lines Activities (22pages)
Subtraction by ones
Subtraction by tens
Subtraction by hundreds
Subtraction by thousands
Commutative Law of Multiplication Activity (15 pages)
Money Task Cards (15 pages)
Parts of a circle 4 parts cards + Chart (15 pages)
Ratio and Proportion Pack (14 pages)
Lines and Angles Geometric Stick Board Command Cards + BONUS Task Cards
Relationship Between Angles 3-parts-cards
Types of Angles 3-parts-cards
Types of Lines 3-parts-cards + Command cards
All Cosmic Printables
Africa Booklet (6 pages)
Africa Wildlife Unit Study(46pages)_compressed
Antarctica Booklet (6 pages)
Asia Booklet (6 pages)
Asia Wildlife Unit Study (39 pages)_compressed
Australia Booklet (6 pages)
Baby and Parents animals puzzle (16pages)
Body Parts (17 pages)
Butterflies unit study (94 pages)_compressed
Camping Activity Pack (35pages)_compressed
Clouds Observation Journal (4 pages)
Earth Day Activity Pack (38pages)_compressed
Elements, compounds, and mixtures definition cards
Europe Booklet (6 pages)
Fall Themed Activities (41 pages)_compressed
Fruits and Vegetables (43 pages)
Fundamental needs of humans chart
Healthy & unhealthy food (17 pages)
Honeybees Unit Study (45pages)_compressed
Human Body internal Organs (36pages)
Land air and water (12pages)
Land and Water Bodies Bundle (24 pages)
Leaf 4-parts cards (8pages)
Life Cycles Activities (38pages)
Linear calendar 2022
Magnets investigation activities (24pages)
Montessori Tube Academy - All about Feathers
Natural or Manufactured
North America Booklet (6 pages)
North America Wildlife Unit Study (43pages)_compressed
Parts of a fruit
Parts of a lily flower 5 parts cards (12pages)
Phases of the moon activities (25 pages)
Phases of the moon pack
Seasons activities (36 pages)
Sink or float (8 pages)
Skeleton child-size template (11pages)
Solar System Activities (37pages)
South America Booklet (6 pages)
Spring Themed Activities (88pages)_compressed
States of matter activities (19 pages)
Sunflowers pack (22pages)_compressed
The Arctic Circle Unit Study (1)
The Human Skeleton 4-parts cards (15pages)
Types of Clouds Activities (33pages)
Types of thermometers 5-part cards (14pages)
Volcano 4-parts cards (9pages)
Water Cycle Activities (37pages)
Weather Activities (27pages)
Winter Themed Activities
Zoology Bundle (132 pages)
Light and Shadows Activity Pack
Bacteria 4-parts cards(10 pages)
Biomes Map and Sorting Mats(23 pages)
Birds Unit Study(59 pages)
Elements of the periodic table cards (106 elements included) (51 pages)
Hibernation, migration, and adaptation(23 pages)
Seas Around the World + Types of Seas Definition Cards (24 pages)
Sound Unit Study (28 pages)
All Sensorial, Art, and Practical Life Printables
Colors Sorting (22pages)
Constructive Triangles (Rectangular Box 1) 9pages
Constructive Triangles (Triangular Box) 6pages
Cutting and Gluing Activities (12 pages)
Dot painting (47 pages)
Echo drawing (8 pages)
landscape, portrait and still (16 pages)
Materials made of...
Piet Mondrian inspired Geometry Task (2pages)
Pin Poking (48 pages)
Sense of Touch Mini Book Template
Spring Paintings + Coloring Booklet (11pages)
Symmetry (33 pages)
Social-emotional and Character Education
Character education curriculum (430 pages)
Emotional Zones Posters (8 pages)
September Overview and Weekly Lesson Plans
MTA 3-6 September's Guide
September 3-6 week 1 detailed plan
September 3-6 week 2 detailed plan
September 3-6 week 3 detailed plan
September 3-6 week 4 detailed plan
Solar System Impressionistic Chart + child's activity
October Overview and Weekly Lesson Plans
MTA 3-6 October Guide
Beginning sounds sorting f and v
Find someone who
October 3-6 plan Week 1 MTA
October 3-6 plan Week 2 MTA
October 3-6 plan Week 3 MTA
October 3-6 plan Week 4 MTA
Short Bead Stair Template
Squiggle Writing Templates
November Overview and Weekly Lesson Plans
MTA 3-6 November's Guide
9-12 November Guide
November 3-6 plan Week 1 MTA
November 3-6 plan Week 2 MTA
November 3-6 plan Week 3 MTA
November 3-6 plan Week 4 MTA
clock of eras template
clock of erass
Nov. W1 3-6 Fry words flashcards
Point Line Plane and Solid memorization booklet
The hundred board1 (1)
December Overview and Weekly Lesson Plans
MTA 3-6 December's Guide
December 3-6 plan Week 1 MTA
_December 3-6 plan Week 2 MTA
December 3-6 plan Week 3 MTA
December 3-6 plan Week 4 MTA
FANBOYS craft template
Story Sequence (The story of a hike)
January Overview and Weekly Lesson Plans
MTA 3-6 January's Guide
January 3-6 plan Week 1 MTA
_January 3-6 plan Week 2 MTA
January 3-6 plan Week 3 MTA
_January 3-6 plan Week 4 MTA
Random Order Addition Tables for the Strip Board
February Overview and Weekly Lesson Plans
MTA 3-6 February's Guide
Clouds Observation Journal
February 3-6 plan Week 1 MTA
February 3-6 plan Week 2 MTA
February 3-6 plan Week 3 MTA
February 3-6 plan Week 4 MTA
Positive and Negative Snake Game Beads
Parts of a circle 4 parts cards + Chart
Operations with decimals equation cards + Control of error
March Overview and Weekly Lesson Plans
_MTA 6-9 March Guide
MTA 3-6 March Guide
March 3-6 plan Week 1 MTA
March 3-6 plan Week 2 MTA
March 3-6 plan Week 3 MTA
March 3-6 plan Week 4 MTA
March 6-9 plan Week 2 MTA
_March 6-9 plan Week 3 MTA
April Overview and Weekly Lesson Plans
MTA 3-6 April Guide
MTA 6-9 April Guide
April 3-6 plan Week 1 MTA
April 3-6 plan Week 2 MTA
April 3-6 plan Week 3 MTA
April 3-6 plan Week 4 MTA
Spring Acrostic Poem Template
upper and lowercase letters sorting mat
Baby and Parents animals puzzle (16pages)
Honeybees Unit Study (45pages)_compressed
Measuring Mass (Kilograms & Grams) (46pages)_compressed
Number Names Puzzle (15pages)
Bees Acrostic Poem Template
Earth Day Activity Pack (38pages)_compressed
Phases of the moon pack
Rhyming Words Puzzle (13pages)_compressed_compressed
Syllables Activities (21pages)_compressed
May Overview and Weekly Lesson Plans
MTA 3-6 May Guide
MTA 6-9 May Guide
May 3-6 plan Week 1 MTA
May 3-6 plan Week 2 MTA
May 3-6 plan Week 3 MTA
May 3-6 plan Week 4 MTA
Weekly handwriting practice May Week 1
May handwriting practice week 2
Weekly handwriting practice May Week 3
Weekly handwriting Practice May Week 4
Alphabets Posters (29 pages)_compressed
Character education curriculum (430 pages)
Concentric and Inscribed Figures (23 pages)_compressed
Homophones (17pages)_compressed
Land air and water (12pages)
June Overview and Weekly Lesson Plans
_3-6 June Guide
June 3-6 plan Week 1 MTA
_June 3-6 plan Week 2 MTA
_June 3-6 plan Week 3 MTA
June 3-6 plan Week 4 MTA
Africa Wildlife Unit Study(46pages)_compressed
Artist Study Emily Kame Kngwarreye (1910 – 1996) 20 pages
Bring me game (Retrieving Quantities) 23 pages_compressed
Butterflies unit study (94 pages)_compressed
Camping Activity Pack (35pages)_compressed
Homographs (19pages)_compressed
Labelling the environment with words and phrases (11pages)_compressed
r-controlled vowels (30pages)_compressed
Skip counting with the bead bars (37pages)
Standard, expanded,and word forms of numbers (18pages)
July Overview and Weekly Lesson Plans
3-6 July Guide
July 3-6 plan Week 1 MTA
July 3-6 plan Week 2 MTA
_July 3-6 plan Week 3 MTA
July 3-6 plan Week 4 MTA
Handwriting practice July
_all _ill _ell _oll _ull pack (22 pages)_compressed
Congruent or Similar (5pages)
Direct and indirect objects Sentences (5pages)_compressed
Handwriting practice July
Life Cycles Activities (38pages)
North America Wildlife Unit Study (43pages)_compressed
Quotation Marks Pack (16pages)_compressed
Sunflowers pack (22pages)_compressed
Piet Mondrian inspired Geometry Task (2pages)
August Overview and Weekly Lesson Plans
3-6 August Guide
August 3-6 plan Week 1 MTA (1)
August 3-6 plan Week 2 MTA
August 3-6 plan Week 3 MTA
_August 3-6 plan Week 4 MTA
Primary and secondary colors wheel playdough activity
_Descriptive writing template and PeerSelf-editing checklist (3pages)
Asia Wildlife Unit Study (39 pages)_compressed
Montessori Beads Houses (15pages)_compressed
Montessori Static Addition Cards with Control Charts (8pages)
Shapes pack for preschool (37pages)_compressed
Volcano 4-parts cards (9pages)
Beginning of Year 2 MTA Club (Please download the scope and sequence below)
MTA Scope and Sequence Second Year + Blank Planner
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November 3-6 plan Week 4 MTA
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