REGISTRATION is now Closed!
We will welcome new members in August 2025
Being a member of our MTA (Montessori Tube Academy) 3-6 Early Childhood inclusive club will grant you access to:
- All our early childhood e-courses that include hundreds of Montessori video presentations.
- BONUS: Until you get familiar with Montessori and how to plan out the work that goes on the shelves for your child or students, we offer you one year of weekly lesson plans for the Montessori 3-6 lessons. This is one of the main reasons our program became so popular and used by hundreds of parents and schools across the world, since we started it during COVID-19 when many parents suddenly found themselves their child's teacher.
- All our 3-6 printables and exclusive printables available only for our MTA members.
- Every month we offer a guide that includes the scope and sequence of the 3-6 lessons. This covers all areas of the Montessori classroom. We know that not every parent is a teacher, so we tried to be detailed.
- Some DIY ideas
This program sounds too good to be true, but you got it right! This is your vault to have access to all Montessori 3-6 resources that meet the different needs. From video lessons to lesson plans and printables we have got you covered.
85% of our existing members are either working in a Montessori public or private school, in a school with no Montessori mentors, homeschooling with Montessori, or even just inspired by Montessori and want to get started. Those are the members who find value in every part of this program.
While 15% are experienced Montessori teachers in all planes of development or just one age group. For experienced teachers, they find the videos the most valuable component of this program
I am not sure about you, but I have almost been there in all these stages through my journey, and I understand how each phase feels and that’s why we came up with the idea of this program. Now, I can confidently say that Montessori is our way of life in its principles before the materials.
We hope that by this program your teaching journey is stress free! Children deserve to spend more time with us that is full of free play, joy, and learning through free will, not through 40 minutes interval classes.
One of the things members of this program appreciate is the amount of time they save to research the different topics. The lesson plans include a step-by-step presentation and explanation that will guide the adults. Some of us left high school Math and Science a long time ago and they weren’t our favorite parts.
How to get the most of this membership
1- Download the scope and sequence for the whole year (Year 1 and 2 of the membership). They are currently available for FREE download here. Also, once you sign up,
2- Once you register in the program, check out the printables folders for each area (Language, Math, Cosmic, Social-emotional, Practical life, Art, and sensorial). You will find each area in a separate section once you login. There are over 185 printables, you may want to start by downloading the ones that you think will use this year with your child.
3- If you have experience with Montessori and know how to observe the child, give freedom of choice, and prepare the environment according to their current interests and needs, then you can use the yearly planner and plan the first 3 months. As you observe the child, you can plan the next three months based on their progress. The prepared plans are there for you in case the child is interested/ready for the lessons included. Choose parts of them and come up with your own plan.
Note: We do not expect that every Monday you will rotate the materials on the shelf and start a new plan. The weekly breakdown is more for the parents and teachers than it is for the children.
4- If you are still building your experience in homeschooling or teaching students in a Montessori setting and feel overwhelmed, follow the suggested weekly plans. However, add more materials on the shelf according to the child’s interests. Observing the child and preparing the environment according to their progress is what Montessori is all about. However, I have been there and understand that it takes time to master this skill. So, we have got you all covered with videos, plans, and resources that can guide you through the process.
5- Watch the videos for the lessons before presenting them and familiarize yourself with the scope and sequence. For example, if the child is interested in learning division but they haven’t learnt multiplication or subtraction yet, present it to them to fulfill their interest but prepare the environment to include inviting multiplication lessons.
Here's what people have to say about our program:
Your Instructor
-I am a passionate MACTE certified Montessori educator, consultant, author, and founder of Montessori Tube Academy with over 14 years of experience.
-My journey started as I was a child, attending my lessons was a burden and I was always disengaged. Although in my personal time, I was a self-learner.
When I grew up, I realized that it was the teachers and lessons that were not engaging enough to entice my interest. Furthermore, when I was first introduced to Montessori 9 years ago, I decided to make a change, so I tried my best to make Montessori education more affordable and accessible by spreading the word, writing articles, creating courses, albums, and printables.
-Intending to share all my expertise in Montessori across the world, I created a step-by step video encyclopedia that includes more than 250 videos that you can watch at your own pace, as well as, Pdf manuals that can move you from A to Z as a Montessori Teacher.
-No prior Montessori knowledge is required for this course.
All you need is your P A S S I O N and to enjoy your learning journey with Montessori Tube Academy
Yours in education,
Dina Ahmed
Course Curriculum
Start3-6 literacy workbook (215 pages)_compressed
Start_all _ill _ell _oll _ull pack (22 pages)_compressed
Start_Descriptive writing template and PeerSelf-editing checklist (3pages)
StartAction & Thinking Verbs Sorting Mat
StartAdjective Booklet (6pages)
StartAdjectives activities(24 pages)
StartAdverb Booklet (6pages)
StartAlliteration Poem (17 pages)
StartAlphabets Posters (29 pages)_compressed
StartArticle Booklet (6pages)
StartBeginning sounds (h,j,u,v) 7pages
StartBeginning sounds d,h,i,n (7pages)
StartBeginning sounds b,f,o,g (8pages)
StartBeginning sounds c,m,a,t (8pages)
StartBeginning sounds h,j,u,v (8pages)
StartBeginning sounds q,w,e,l (8pages)
StartBeginning sounds s,r,i,p,k (15pages)
StartBeginning sounds x,y,i,z (7pages)
StartBlue Series Pack updated
StartCompound words (27 pages)
StartConjunction Booklet (6pages)
StartGreen series pack (45pages)
StartHomographs (19pages)_compressed
StartHomophones (17pages)_compressed
StartIllustrating Idioms Activity
StartInstructional Writing Pack (17pages)
StartInterjection Booklet (5pages)
StartInterjections Activities (8pages)
StartLabelling the environment with words and phrases (11pages)_compressed
StartLetters for phonics box (9pages)
StartLiterature Circle Roles
StartMini Book Template
StartMontessori Articles Activities (14pages)
StartMontessori conjunctions activities (15pages)
StartMontessori farm (Article + Noun)
StartMontessori Nouns Bundle (41 pages)_compressed
StartMontessori Prepositions Activities (22pages)
StartMontessori-Grammar-sentences-and-symbols (16 pages)
StartNoun Booklet (6pages)
StartNouns Tracing Activities + Mini Book (8pages)
StartNouns Tracing Activities + Mini Book (8pages)_compressed
StartObjects in a Winter Environment (13pages)
StartPink Series Pack
StartPrefixes Activities (37pages)
StartPreposition Booklet (6pages)
StartPronoun Booklet (8 pages)
StartPronouns impressionistic charts (11 pages)
StartQuestion Mark Pack (10pages)
StartQuotation Marks Pack (16pages)
Startr-controlled vowels (30pages)
Startr-controlled vowels (30pages)_compressed
StartRhyming Words Puzzle (13pages)_compressed
StartSimple, compound, and complex sentences (10pages)_compressed
StartSingular and plural bundle Grammar center (12 pages)
StartSquiggle Writing Templates (16 pages)
StartSuffixes Activities (33pages)
StartSyllables Activities (21pages)
StartSyllables Activities (21pages)_compressed
StartSynonyms and Antonyms activities (27 pages)
StartTypes of adverbs activities (11 pages)
StartUpper and Lower case alphabet puzzle (16pages)_compressed
StartVerb Booklet (6pages)
StartVerbs Action Cards (Act it out) 8pages
StartVerbs and nouns Sorting Activity (14 pages)
StartThings That Go Together (15pages)
StartColons Pack
StartPhonograms Pack
StartConversation Picture Prompts
StartDetective Adjective Game (16 pages)
StartHandwriting Practice Pack (Positive Affirmations and Word families) 38 pages
StartLetter Formation Posters for movable alphabets (27 pages)
StartNarrative Writing Pack (79 pages)
StartOpinion Writing Pack (33 pages)
StartOrder of Adjectives (22 pages)
StartPunctuation Marks (Comma Pack) 10 pages)
StartCapitalization Pack
Start2D shapes (24 pages)_compressed
Start3D shapes (22 pages)
Start_Adding fractions with different denominators task cards
Start_Arrange Numbers in Descending Order
StartAddition booklet(7 pages)
StartAddition matching activities (43 pages)_compressed
StartAddition Strip Board and Control Charts (11 pages)
StartArranging Numbers Ascendingly
StartBring me game (Retrieving Quantities) 23 pages_compressed
StartCapacity Charts and Activities
StartCard and Counters (14 pages)
StartColored Beads Digital printable for different activities (10pages)
StartComparing numbers (12 pages)
StartComparing Sizes (16 pages)
StartConcentric and Inscribed Figures (23 pages)_compressed
StartCongruent or Similar (5pages)
StartDivision booklet (7 pages)
StartDivision games and activities(32 pages)
StartDoubling and Halving Activities (25pages)
StartEqual & Unequal Parts
StartEquivalent Fractions Chart
StartEven and Odd activities (15 pages)
StartFractions activities (22 pages)
StartMeasuring Length Activities (31pages)_compressed
StartMeasuring Mass (Kilograms & Grams) (46pages)_compressed
StartMontessori Beads Houses (15pages)_compressed
StartMontessori Checkerboard Digital Printable Template (20pages)_compressed
StartMontessori Decimal cards printable (14 pages)
StartMontessori Geometry cabinet matching cards (57pages)
StartMontessori Infinity Street Template (12pages)
StartMontessori Large Bead Frame Notation Paper
StartMontessori Multiplication equations for flat bead frame (3 pages)
StartMontessori Static Addition Cards with Control Charts (8pages)
StartMontessori Telling Time Activities (79pages)
StartMultiplication booklet (7 pages)
StartMultiplication frog game center activity (9 pages)
StartMultiplication matching activities (43 pages)
StartMultiplying Decimals by a Whole Number Task Cards
StartNumber Names Puzzle (15pages)
StartPositive and Negative Snake Game Beads (7pages)
StartRegular and irregular polygons
StartShapes pack for preschool (37pages)_compressed
StartSkip counting with the bead bars (37pages)
StartStamp game printable (7pages)
StartStandard, expanded,and word forms of numbers (18pages)
StartStatic and Dynamic Addition (11 pages)
StartSubtracting by Tens
StartSubtraction booklet (7 pages)
StartSubtraction Fall Themed Activities (10pages)
StartSubtraction Strip Board (10pages)
StartSubtraction Word Problems
StartTypes of Lines Activities (22pages)
StartSubtraction by ones
StartSubtraction by tens
StartSubtraction by hundreds
StartSubtraction by thousands
StartCommutative Law of Multiplication Activity (15 pages)
StartMoney Task Cards (15 pages)
StartParts of a circle 4 parts cards + Chart (15 pages)
StartRatio and Proportion Pack (14 pages)
StartLines and Angles Geometric Stick Board Command Cards + BONUS Task Cards
StartRelationship Between Angles 3-parts-cards
StartTypes of Angles 3-parts-cards
StartTypes of Lines 3-parts-cards + Command cards